Thursday, July 18, 2013

Proud pulse of Jo'burg

Sawubona. At first I thought this was just the name of the South African Airways in-flight magazine, but a discreet check on the Internet a few hours after landing in Johannesburg, South Africa, told me it was a greeting. Sawubona (hello)! 
To be frank, I have covered, some might say extensively, the Kenyan tourism market, but the South African tourism market and the country'€™s tourism marketing body, South African Tourism, have always found a way to give the Kenya Tourist Board a run for their money. The image of jostling siblings comes to mind.
Touch down at Johannesburg and the OR Tambo Airport tells you this is a new kettle of fish altogether. Neat, spacious and fast. Suddenly, Jomo Kenyatta International Airport looks like a poor upcountry cousin. Read more

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