The sun shining up in da sky, goats lookin lyk white blobs, dotting the hills all around us. The day was, say it with me, Sato 29 Aug. The place, Ole Polos – but do I say. Sawa it’s the middle of nowhere but if you missed it, Ngai fafa! The Meru get together bash, hats off to all the Merus in the house on D’Day and Emily, welcome to the fold gal.
So this motley crew, atleast I thot so originally, dragged themselves to Maasai land where the action was @. Real representation of the Meru spirit my friend-o. Marima to Laare, Athiru to Mikinduri, and Meru in the “diaspora”. With Kenny at de helm with the board of guv’nors Xtines Kaati and Koome, dey know ‘emselves, and Edith OMG!
Oh, Am not forgetin Jehrule. Dude lose the shades and we good to go he he he, our very own Maraigua, nibukuigua bwi antu betu. The Mwendas pia walienda, ‘label’ Ribu, and of course surprise addition of the day, Emily. Emma, Meru dudes rock right? Say yes or am jumping from my first floor office. plus I, me and myself. The cocktail queen where you @? And Zacharia, our very own at Ole Polos, wewe ni wetu!
Na wengine wote maliokuja na maliokua nasi in spirit, do people seriously believe that stuff!
So a few dramas and kadhaa Kgs of mbuzi down the day we shook a leg kidogo, who said we can’t sing? Kirarire, muui, mariri… zote ni zetu.
Then the toning down, and back to city sanity for those who made it at Steak n’ ale for one whale of a day.
Special mention: Kellen, all the way from down south baharini for the bash; You the real spirit of a full blooded Merian!
For those who missed it, you didn’t mess it. But we cool.
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